Join our team

Xenia is run by and for women who want to meet others, connect, build community and reduce barriers to education. Join us!


We’re in the process of hiring a Fundraising and Development Organiser to lead on Xenia’s income generation as we grow our work to enable more women than to connect, share and learn.

Applications have now closed.

Voluntary work

English speakers & learners: Xenia is largely run by people who give their time free of charge. We prefer not to have “volunteers” and “beneficiaries” as this creates a power dynamic that we would prefer not to emphasise. Anyone who identifies as a woman can come along anytime- everyone has something to learn and everyone has something to teach!

Facilitators: We do have a team of facilitators who help to run each session- if you want to become a facilitator please get in touch with us via our Contact page, or come along to workshop in Hackney.

Child care volunteers: We are looking for people to look after children during our workshops. This is an essential part of making education accessible for the women we work with. Find out more here and get in touch.